Elevating Healthcare Infrastructure: Advancing Quality and Accessibility in Kigali's Medical Facilities

Elevating Healthcare Infrastructure: Advancing Quality and Accessibility in Kigali's Medical Facilities

August 21, 2024

3 PM – 4 PM

In the afternoon session, 3 PM – 4 PM, a panel discussion aims to shed light on the state of healthcare infrastructure in Kigali, with a particular focus on its alignment with international standards. The panelists will examine the challenges posed by subpar healthcare facilities, inadequately maintained equipment, and the availability of essential medical supplies.

They will discuss the impact of these issues on healthcare quality and access for the local population. Moreover, the panel will explore strategies for upgrading the healthcare infrastructure in Kigali and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies, healthcare providers, and international organizations. Through this discussion, attendees will gain insights into how investment in healthcare infrastructure can lead to better healthcare outcomes and improved public health.

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